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Warhammer 40k Wiki

The Bloodblessed are a Khorne Daemonkin host that makes great use of Chaos Spawn. These fanatics round up great hordes of these mutated beasts, believing them to be the true form that Khorne desires for all mortals.

Not only do the Bloodblessed accord Chaos Spawn the status of holy warriors but, stranger still, their own Champions aspire not to ascension but to spawndom. Thus, what is seen by most worshippers of Chaos as a dire punishment for failure in service to the Ruinous Powers has become, to the Bloodblessed, the ultimate reward.

Warband Appearance[]

Warband Colours[]

The Bloodblessed warband's colours are not listed in current Imperial records.

Warband Badge[]

The Bloodblessed warband's badge is not listed in current Imperial records.


  • Codex: Khorne Daemonkin (7th Edition), pg. 87