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"What is the point of crushing something that is ugly and base; far better to crush the greatest cities, smash the finest art and tear down the most glorious empires ever wrought by the hand of Mankind."

— Princeps Maximus Horgoth Nyr, Legio Infernus

The Legio Suturvora, or as it later became more commonly and widely known during the latter stages of the Great Crusade, the Legio Infernus ("Fire Masters"), is a Traitor Titan Legion of the Dark Mechanicum that repudiated its members' oaths to the Emperor of Mankind and followed the Warmaster Horus into the service of the Ruinous Powers of Chaos during the Horus Heresy.

The Fire Masters were an active and much renowned Titan Legion with an enviable record at the forefront of the wars to reclaim the galaxy for Humanity.

Its first loyalty, however, was always to the overlords of Mars, a home from which it had been all but exiled since the first days of the Emperor's wars of conquest and liberation.

So it was that when the Horus Heresy came and Kelbor-Hal, Fabricator-General of Mars, threw in his lot with the Arch-traitor Horus, the Legio did not hesitate in joining the Warmaster's cause alongside their lord.

It would be a fateful decision that would see them wielded as a weapon against their erstwhile comrades at the Battle of Calth when the Word Bearers Legion struck their blow against Primarch Roboute Guilliman' Ultramarines Legion and its allies, and it would cost the Legio Suturvora dearly.

Caught up as a pawn in a war of powers they could not comprehend or control, the Legio Suturvora would suffer dire injury and loss which would wound them for the rest of the war, and see them eventually turn even on their own Traitor kin before the Heresy came to an end, never to see the red sands of their birth world again.

At the conclusion of the Heresy, the Fire Masters, along with the Traitor Legions, were driven towards the Eye of Terror along with the rest of the forces of Chaos.

Their current whereabouts are unknown, though they did participate in the 13th Black Crusade in 999.M41, providing support to the servants of Chaos engaged in combat on the Fortress World of Cadia.

Legion History

Legio Surturvora Warlord Titan

Legio Suturvora colour scheme as displayed by the Warlord-class Titan Beliall Resurgentis.


The Legio Suturvora owed its genesis to the legend-haunted and little-understood histories of Mars in the early centuries of the Age of Strife, when the Mechanicum itself first came into being as it is now understood.

Its foundation is attested to have been as part of the so-called "Era of Pathogenesis" when the earliest generation of three Martian Titan Legions, known as the Triad Ferrum Morgulus, were used as the template and seed for a second generation of Titan Legions, of which the Legio Suturova was one. The particular pattern for the creation of the Legio Suturvora was the bellicose and powerful Legio Ignatum.

The main purposes of these new Titan Legions, which effectively doubled the number of divisions of the Collegia Titanica, were to complete the domination of Mars by the ancient Mechanicum and crush the remaining holds of the cabalistic Cy-carnivora Mekwrights and their own gargantuan hunger-engines who stood rival to the Cult Mechanicus, and to pacify the remaining reaches of the Martian rad-wastes and wilderness.

To this end, the early Legio Suturvora was given for its first forge city the shattered temple-foundry of one such fallen enemy cult in the hollowed-out mountain of Mons Sutura, south of the Sea of Iron Curses, one of the most desolate and troubled regions of the red world near to Mars' northern polar wastes. It was from this lonely peak that the new Titan Legion took its name.

For centuries the Legio Suturvora stood its watch and destroyed such ancient threats that from time to time plagued its domain, risen up from the ancient spoil-slag drifts and unearthed in the deep caverns by prying magi prospecting for the lore of the ancients from the Age of Technology.

It was a task it fulfilled unflinchingly -- if not a little thanklessly as the politicking and power-mongering of the Mechanicum magi and cult factions which ruled Mars largely passed the isolated Titan Legion by.

Without significant political patronage of its own, it relied on the grace and favour of the distant Fabricator-General of the Mechanicum, the ultimate overlord of Mars, for its supply and writ of what it began to deem its Omnissiah-given duty.

Its isolation and singular duty over time made the culture of the Legion a stoic, militantly religious and doctrinally reactionary one, and the various princeps of the Legio Suturvora became famed as hardened traditionalists who saw some of their fellow Titan Legions as worldly, irreligious and overly ambitious for their own honour and glory. In return, many of their fellow Titan Legions saw them as prideful, backward and unstable.

When it was decreed that Mars would be united with Terra under the power of the Emperor, as part of the various accords and treaties that made this possible, the might of the Titan Legions was to be given up to the Great Crusade as part of this alliance.

In the case of the majority of the Titan Legions of Mars, this was to be a matter of service rather than absorption, and the domains on Mars to which they were tied were to remain.

But as part of this pact of iron, the Legio Suturvora, along with the Legio Tenerii, were ordered to quit Mars and be released to the Great Crusade in perpetuity until its work of the liberation of humanity was complete.

The Princeps of Suturvora took this exile with their customary stoicism and fervour, convinced by the arithmetic auguries of their Tech-priests that it was the Omnissiah's will. In their passing, their fane, now little more now than a cenotaph to past duty, was sealed in darkness.

Fighting at the forefront of the Great Crusade, the Legio Suturvora rapidly began to attain a respect and rank it had never possessed on Mars. Fighting alongside the Ist Legion (Dark Angels) and the Emperor Himself in the campaigns of the Ceti-Lacaille Scourging, such was the honour they gained for the Mechanicum by their actions that their losses were replaced and original strength more than exceeded by freshly-constructed Titans at the Fabricator-General's own order.

In the decades that followed, the mendicant Titan Legion, based entirely upon a series of barques and transport ships, fought alongside more than half of the different Legiones Astartes at one time or another, trampling countless cities under their iron tread and laying waste to whole worlds in the Great Crusade's name.

It was for this latter record they began to become known to the common warriors of the Imperialis Auxilia as the "masters of fire" for their scorched earth tactics and the icon of the eternal flame which they had carried since their earliest days.

It was a name the Legio began to carry as a badge of honour, an identity for which it was respected and a fame it was honoured to own. In response, liveried flames began to appear in their heraldry, and demonstrably the number of Inferno Cannons their Battle Titans commonly employed as a preferred close-quarter weapon began to increase, further augmenting their reputation.

But it was to distant Mars, now no more than a memory to the Legion, that their loyalty remained, becoming a fanaticism that only seemed to increase with distance and time.

Amongst its princeps, moderati and attached Tech-priests, hubris as to their calling and position grew, as did their intolerance for those not of the Machine Cult's faith, while their excesses of destruction carried out on the battlefield became more marked.

By the time Horus had been elevated to the rank of Warmaster, within certain circles of the Great Crusade's high command voices were raised at the wanton and wholesale incineration of cities that could have been conquered and kept for the Imperium by the Legio, which had now started to refer to itself, at least informally, not as the Legio Suturvora -- a name many of its younger princeps viewed as nothing more than a relic of a distant and inglorious past -- but instead as the Legio Infernus; the burners of worlds.

When the Traitors' plans were laid for the death-strokes against former brothers that would begin the Horus Heresy in earnest, at Kelbor-Hal's urgings, the Legio Suturvora had already enthusiastically joined their master's cause.

Fires of Ithraca

The Legion's first act in the Traitors' service was to strike down their former comrades of the Legio Praesagius at the muster at Calth, a gathering of force which the machinations of Horus all too easily arranged for the Legio's presence at.

The death-struggle that was to follow for the Legio during the wider Battle of Calth itself became known as the Battle for Ithraca after the Calthian city where they were deployed.

As that battlefield became subject to the influence of the maddening shadow of the Warp, the Legio Suturvora was to succumb to a mindless barbarity it had never known, even in its worst excesses.

The price for this descent into the maelstrom was to be near-crippling losses and a retreat from Calth's surface with less than half of its forces intact. Disabused and enraged, the Legio's survivors had nevertheless chained themselves to the Traitors' cause and there was now no going back.

Worse still, their losses made them even more dependent on the favour of new masters so far as they were from Mars. The seeds of bitterness and hatred against the Imperium had been yet further sown.

Notable Campaigns

Honour to the Dead art

A Titan from the Fire Masters Titan Legion assaulting a Titan from the Legio Praesagius within the city of Ithraca during the Battle of Calth.

  • Battle of Calth, Massacre of Ithraca (ca. 007.M31) - The Fire Masters Titan Legion took part in the infamous Battle of Calth, the treacherous campaign conducted during the early stages of the Horus Heresy by the traitorous Word Bearers Legion, on behalf of the Warmaster Horus against their hated rivals the Ultramarines. As Calth burned, the Battle Titans of the Fire Masters Legion took to the streets of the city of Ithraca, ready to massacre the fleeing civilian population in the name of their new, dark masters. But the remaining Loyalist war engines of the Legio Praesagius -- the True Messengers -- stood ready to defend the Imperium, even in the face of almost certain death. With the nearby Ultramarines forces scattered and lost, the people of Ithraca were forced to fend for themselves as the gigantic war machines unleashed apocalyptic weaponry across the ravaged skyline. Ultimately the Ultramarines would prevail, driving the Word Bearers back and robbing them of final victory, though the lives of the people of Calth would be changed forever by the damage done to their world's sun during the battle by the retreating Word Bearers in orbit.
  • Shadow Crusade (007-008.M31) - Amidst the brutality and horror of the Shadow Crusade, whereupon the World Eaters and Word Bearers Space Marine Legions sought to bring about a dark awakening within the Warp after the creation of the Ruinstorm, Traitor and Loyalist Legions did battle. While the Loyalists reeled from the Calth Atrocity, the butchers of Ithraca, the Legio Suturvora, followed the Word Bearers and World Eaters across Ultramar on a trail of blood and flame. Giving themselves wholly to the Warmaster's cause, these Traitor princeps exercised their violence upon planets sworn to the Emperor.
  • Crusade of Iron (ca. 008-010.M31) - The Shadow Crusade was made manifest, its pain and suffering bringing about turmoil in the Warp. This deadly era came to be known as "Shadow and Iron," a time marked by the Traitors' reckless hatred loosed upon the Five Hundred Worlds of Ultramar, and the Loyalists' righteous vengeance sent to meet them. It was the war within a war that arose between the Titan Legions, when gods of steel and plasma walked the Realm of Ultramar, and the doom of worlds walked with them. When the Warp opened and consumed those Loyalist Titans set to defend Calth, it revealed the true extent of the Warmaster's heresy. In the span of a single solar day, the greater sum of the Legio Praesagius was destroyed, along with millions of the Imperium's soldiers, and thousands of loyal Space Marines. Such was the scale of the betrayal that it echoed across the segmentum, a booming war cry that demanded a response. In the wake of this atrocity, the surviving princeps of the Loyalist Legio Praesagius gathered their allies and launched the Crusade of Iron across the Five Hundred Worlds to bring their betrayers to account.
    • Battle of Ulixis (ca. 008.M31) - In spite of the chaos betrayal had brought to the Five Hundred Worlds of Ultramar, the Legio Praesagius gathered its allies and convened its councils of war; the horrors of the Battle for Ithraca would not go unanswered. Princeps Ultima Dae Vergos promised her allies and her fellow princeps that the Fire Masters would face the fury of those still loyal to the Imperium, and wherever the Traitor Titans set foot upon a world, they would find only death. While the Primarchs Angron and Lorgar had been pursuing their own dark desires, Princeps Maximus Horgoth Nyr and the Legio Suturvora sought out military targets and worlds vital to the Ultramarines' ability to wage war. Like the Word Bearers and World Eaters, Nyr had been charged by the Warmaster Horus to keep the Ultramarines and the eastern Titan Legions pinned down defending their empire, though unlike his allies, he was not consumed by the pursuit of personal glory nor did he seek the favour of foul Warp patrons. Nyr took great pleasure in the execution of his oaths to Horus, pleased at last to have any pretence of restraint lifted from his Titans. In its endeavours, the Legio Suturvora was supported by its two principal allies – the Legio Mordaxis (Deathdealers) and the Legio Audax (Ember Wolves) -- the two Traitor Titan Legions having found common cause with the Warmaster. While Nyr and his Titans rampaged from one world to the next, Princeps Ultima Vergos set about a plan to defend Guilliman's realm, even as the Primarch himself struggled to hold its rulers and worlds together, and stymie the worst excesses of the Traitor Titan Legions. Ulixis was used as a staging ground by the Legio Suturvora to both harm Ultramar and deal severe damage to the Loyalist forces. Ulixis was one of the principal producers of munitions in Ultramar and, knowing its destruction would deal a severe blow to the Ultramarines' effort to rebuild, Princeps Maximus Horgoth Nyr of the Fire Masters set upon the world. In truth, the Legion's invasion was the first step towards springing a trap upon the Loyalists. When a combined force of both the Legio Lysanda and the Legio Oberon were drawn to the world, they found its surface devoid of Traitor Titans despite reports to the contrary. It was then the Traitors sprang their trap, seizing control of the planet's orbit and unleashing a fierce orbital bombardment upon the Loyalists on the surface. Though the initial bombardment was devastating, most of the Loyalist forces were driven into the system of caverns beneath the surface, forcing the Fire Masters to commit to a series of running battles beneath Ulixis. For solar days the two Titan forces fought in the dark, their massive weaponry tearing apart the guts of Ulixis. It was within the Wyrms' Lair, a vast cavern littered with the remains of the burrowing creatures that had carved it long ago, that the conflict came to a head, both sides committing their forces in an effort to eradicate the other. As the fighting raged between the two opposing sides, Princeps Raynal Hess in his Warlord Titan Astra Obsurus, leading a Legio Lysanda Myrmidon maniple, charged out to meet Princeps-Maximus Nyr and his Warlorld Titan Mons Ingnum in battle. However, Hess was unaware of Nyr's fellow supporting Fire Masters Titans, which laid in waiting. Their combined volleys crippled the legs of Hess' Titan. However, before the Traitors could strike the killing blow, Hess overloaded his Titan's reactor, and the pitch darkness of the Wyrm's Lair turned to blazing day. When the explosion finally receded, those princeps still in functioning war engines were surprised to see the light remained, for a massive hole had been blown in the cavern ceiling, and a stairway of rubble and broken Titans led up to it. More surprising still was the vox message that came streaming down across all bands -- the Loyalist fleet had returned with reinforcements, and the Traitors were in full retreat. Kast rallied the Legio Oberon and the survivors of the Legio Lysanda, and pushed the Traitors back. Though Nyr and many of his Titans managed to escape, their hold on Ulixis was broken, and perhaps most crucially of all, the Loyalists had driven the Fire Masters back, disproving the invincibility of their enemies.
    • Ambush at Espandor (ca. 009.M31) - In the wake of the conflict on Ulixis, the Loyalists sought to press the advantage, working to divide the Traitors in order to more efficiently dismantle their strength. When word reached the Legio Praesagius of a gathering Traitor invasion intended to seize the Agri-world of Espandor, the Loyalists laid plans to intercept the Traitor efforts, focusing their forces on the Boreaus Agri-sprawl, a heavily developed area containing a maze of feed-towers and macro-granaries that would serve to negate the numerical advantage of the Traitors. Though only a handful of Titans from the Legio Praesagius could be mustered, they were supported by several maniples from the Legio Oberon, alongside dedicated companies of both Titan-killer infantry and super-heavy tanks. Amongst their number stood the Psi-Titan Occedentalis-Damysus, the Warlord-Sinister-class Titan lending its support to Princeps Ultima Dae Vergos' forces for reasons known only to its Preceptor-Intendant. Having marshalled their forces, the Loyalists hoped to spring a devastating ambush on the approaching Traitor force, consisting of Titans drawn from both the Legio Audax and Legio Infernus. Much to Vergos' frustration, Horgoth Nyr did not command the enemy Titans. Princeps Tesarius Orcan Rex, as pitiless a leader as Nyr, led the Fire Masters and, supremely confident of his gathered force, he strode into Vargos' trap without a second thought. Orcan's Warbringer-class Titan God Hammer led the Fire Masters into the Boraes Agri-sprawl, where the Loyalist forces laid in waiting. The Fire Masters' own supporting Secutarii and Dark Mechanicum war machines moved out into the ruins left by the Titans, their job to root out any stragglers or survivors. Beyond the edge of the storm, in the hinterlands surrounding Boreaus, Dae Vergos and the Loyalists waited. Only the Psi-Titan Occedentalis-Damysus advanced upon the city, cloaked in a shroud of psychic energy. The Occedentalis-Damysus, tasked with striking the opening blow against the Traitors, found its talents stifled by the forces the Traitors employed. With the Psi-Titan brought low by packs of Legio Audax Warhounds hiding amongst the very buildings Vergos sought to use against the Traitors, the Loyalists were forced onto the back foot. Utilising Ursus Claws, the Legio Audax wolf pack dragged the larger Titan to the ground, like a bear brought down by hungry wolves. In an effort to secure victory, Vergos ordered her forces into the city in order to limit the numerical advantage of the Traitors, drawing them into a bitter, close-quarters fight. Meanwhile, the remaining Loyalist Titans advanced from the woods, their weapons pummelling the invaders. Vergos raced to move her Titans into the city where they could take cover from the enemy's superior numbers. Amid the devastating crossfire, the storm-coils surrounding and protecting Boreaus were hit repeatedly, dozens toppling in flames. Without the coils to hold it back, the storm raced in to cover the city. In the gloom, rain and flashing lightning, the two sides met with a mighty crash, like gods of old fighting over the fate of Humanity. Filled with battle rage, Vergos bulled her way toward Orcan's Warbringer, leaving savaged enemies in her wake, and destroyed the God Hammer by squeezing its head into scrap with its Titan-grade power claw. Her rage receding, Vergos realised that, despite the death of Orcan, her force was still badly outmatched. Vox messengers were coming in from orbit, the Loyalist fleet was heavily engaged and calling for retreat, and reluctantly Vergos had to comply. Yet someone had to stay and cover the withdrawal -- and for this task the Legio Oberon stepped forward. Its Titans accepted their fate willingly to save Dae Vergos and the remaining True Messengers. For their princeps it was a chance to repay a debt owed since the battle for Ithraca on Calth, where they could not save their allies from the Traitors' surprise assault on the voidport. As the Legio Praesagius drop-craft made for orbit and their waiting fleet, the last communication from the surface was from the Legio Oberon maniples striding into the teeth of the enemy's guns, their vox blaring with a single repeated phrase: "For Ithraca!"
    • Confrontation on Drooth II: Crusade's End (010.M31) - This battle represented the final confrontation between the forces of Horgoth Nyr and Dae Vergos, bringing an end to the Crusade of Iron. Though the Traitors had achieved many victories, Nyr found his forces bloodied by the vengeful Loyalists that pursued him. In the eyes of both himself and those around him, Nyr's record of conquest and slaughter across Ultramar was tainted by his failure to eradicate every trace of the Legio Praesagius. As the rampage across Ultramar undertaken by the Word Bearers and World Eaters drew to a close, Nyr knew he must settle the running battle between Vergos and himself. Committing to luring his foe to him, the Traitor forces burned a dozen worlds, each an open challenge to the Loyalists that pursued them. Though it was clear such actions were committed to bait Vergos into a fight, the Loyalists had little choice if they wished to punish their enemy. Gathering what remained of those forces committed to the Crusade of Iron, the Loyalists set sail for Drooth II and the battle that awaited. Known for its burning sand-like mineral deserts, Drooth II was originally populated solely by a research station and listening outpost, placed there by the Ultramarines Legion to watch over the eastern edge of Ultramar. The Drooth outpost of Helgarn's Furnace was connected to a massive geo-orbital station by the slender needle of a gravity elevator, sprawled across hundreds of kilometres of metallic desert wastes. Macrocannon and lance batteries defended all approaches from orbit, and made landing within the bounds of the outpost suicidal. This outpost was quickly overrun by the Dark Mechanicum as war engulfed Ultramar and turned into a profane manufactorum capable of churning out debased weapons infused with powers pulled from the Immaterium. It was here that Nyr chose to make his stand against the Loyalist forces, aware that the veil lay thin and the entities within the Warp were easily called upon should the Traitors lose the advantage. With both sides drawn to the world, the stage was set for a battle of cataclysmic proportions. Vergos chose her landing zones accordingly, and the Legio Praesagius set down in the desert 600 kilometres from the Traitor defences, their landing shielded by the curvature of the planet. Similar landings took place all around the outpost, the Legio Lysanda and Legio Oberon taking up position along with several Psi-Titans of the Chamber Occedentalis -- the Loyalist forces keeping their distance from the dark god-engines. Upon a signal from Vergos, the Titans walked, the shimmering desert dunes shuddering to their every step. On all sides of the outpost, dozens of Titans were fully engaged in brutal exchanges of fire. With unnatural speed and strength, the Traitor Titans fell upon the Loyalists, ripping and tearing at them like savage beasts. But, unlike on Calth, the Loyalists were prepared. From amongst the ranks of the Loyalist Titan Legions the Psi-Titans let their might be felt. The darkly majestic Warlords of the Ordo Sinister unleashed torrents of psychic energy into the Traitor forces rising against them. However, the Psi-Titans were caught unawares, as the Warhound wolf packs of the Legio Audax attacked the unsuspecting Loyalists from their unprotected flank, pulling the larger Titans down with their deadly Ursus Claws, like a ravenous packs of wolves pulling down a bear. Though the carnage and burning Titans, Vergos' Warlord, the Pride of Konor, pulled its way into the heart of the outpost, her guns tearing apart the structure and any who barred her path. Finally, she confronted her nemesis -- Princeps Maximus Horgoth Nyr and his Warbringer Titan Mons Ingnum. But as the two princeps fought one another in a deadly struggle, Vergos realised that Nyr's Titan displayed an unnatural Warp-enhanced endurance, which allowed it to rise like a revenant risen from the dead. Seeing no other options, Vergos fired her Titan's remaining Volcano Cannon upon the magnetic locks holding the research outpost's gravity elevator in place, causing the massive structure to collapse in on itself and down upon the battlefield, killing both Nyr and Vergos. Though the Horus Heresy would drag on for years yet to come, the Crusade of Iron ended that day on Drooth II. Whatever rage had driven Princeps Dae Vergos and her followers to hunt down Horgoth Nyr died with her, and the Legio Praesagius returned to Gantz to count its losses and rebuild its strength. By contrast, the death of Nyr tore what little unity of purpose remained among the Fire Masters, and its princeps fell even deeper into the thrall of the Warmaster Horus. Not until the dark days of the Battle of Beta-Garmon, the Titandeath, and the invasion of the Sol System itself, was the Traitor Legion to gather again in significant numbers, guided by the hand of a single Grand Master. By then, of course, the Legio Praesagius had rebuilt its numbers, and hastened to join the fight against their old foes, both Titan Legions playing their part in the final battles for the future of the Imperium.
  • Battle of Beta-Garmon, "The Titandeath" (006-013.M31) - The Legio Suturvora took part in the long and savage Beta-Garmon campaign, which included hundreds of war zones across dozens of worlds. Even before the greater armies of the Warmaster Horus reached the star cluster, the battle lines had long since been drawn, and fighting had been going on for many Terran years. It was a cauldron of battle that would consume millions of lives before its end and see the demise of entire Titan Legions, earning this campaign the dire moniker of the "Titandeath." The Beta-Garmon Cluster, also known as the gateway to the throneworld of Terra, was the last hurdle that the Warmaster Horus' forces had to overcome before they reached the Imperium's capital world. Heavily fortified by the Loyalists, Beta-Garmon would become one of the greatest and bloodiest battles of the Horus Heresy, as well as one of the longest-lasting. During the Battle of Beta-Garmon, the Legio Suturvora was supported by the Knights of House Ærthegn and House Mordred.
  • Battle of Tallarn (010-011.M31) - Fire Masters Titans supported a unit of the Word Bearers in battle against a force of Salamanders Space Marines and the Firebrands Titan Legion that provided the Loyalist Astartes with heavy fire support.
  • 13th Black Crusade (999.M41) - When Abaddon the Despoiler led the largest Chaos incursion into Imperial space in 999.M41 since the Horus Heresy, the Fire Masters were one of the Traitor Titan Legions that had some limited involvement in the 13th Black Crusade's campaign on Cadia.
  • War of Beasts (ca. 001-025.M42) - Following the destruction of the Fortress World of Cadia and the formation of the Great Rift, the Fire Masters took part in the campaign known as the War of Beasts upon the Imperial world of Vigilus, situated within the Nachmund Gauntlet. This was one of the few stable passages through the Great Rift into the Imperium Nihilus. As such, this world became strategically vital to the Imperium and a target for assault by xenos and the forces of Chaos led by Abaddon the Despoiler.

Legion Strength

The early Imperium's Divisio Militaris records extant for the latter years of the Great Crusade rated the Legio Suturvora as a fully operational Titan Legion of the second or Secundus-grade, with an estimated 100-130 god-engines in active service at the outbreak of the Heresy.

The principal strength of the Fire Masters lay in a core of Mars and Lucius Pattern Warlord Titans around 70 strong, and crews of veteran calibre with particular expertise in urban warfare.

Expanding on this core, the Legion also fielded a sizable force of Warhound Scout Titans to serve as its outriders and reconnaissance units, and it relied on a detachment comprised of at least eight Nemesis-class fire-support Battle Titans and two Imperator Titans as its most powerful strategic reserve in heavy engagements.

Medium-class Battle Titans, such as the Reaver, were in the minority in the Legion, and were almost invariably its most ancient god-engines, dating back to its days on Mars before the Great Crusade.

Although originally largely impoverished in terms of battlefield support units, the Legio Suturvora was further augmented as the Great Crusade progressed, with several dedicated regiments of mechanised Skitarii and two sub-covenants of the Legio Cybernetica indentured to its service.

These support forces, however, also suffered severely during the disastrous battle at Ithraca on Calth, the survivors being amalgamated into a single composite force which became known as the Fraxanii or "Burned Ones."

Notable Titans

  • Beliall Resurgentis (Warlord-class Titan) - Taking part in the muster at Calth, Beliall Resurgentis was long held in ill-repute for actions committed during the Compliance of Nuvoro Prime. Acting upon information of a vast promethium reserve beneath the principal city of the world, Beliall Resurgentis' Princeps directed his subordinates to ignite the deposit, in direct violation of tactical assessment given to them by elements of the Word Bearers Legion led Captain Vel'Matr. The resulting inferno shattered the morale of the world and brought the war to a close, at the cost of every life within the city. Vel'Matr issued multiple communiqués to the Grand Master of Legio Infernus, demanding the punishment of the crew of Beliall Resurgentis, though silence was the only response.
  • Fellghast (Warlord-class Titan) - The first ever Chaos-corrupted Warlord Titan that was destroyed by the Ultramarines Captain Lucretius Corvo at Astagar in 007.M31.
  • Mons Ingnum (Warlord-class Titan) - Warlord Titan of Princeps Maximus Horgoth Nyr. Destroyed during the Crusade of Iron on Drooth II.
  • God Hammer (Warbringer Nemesis-class Titan) - Warbringer-Nemesis Titan of Princeps Tesarius Orcan Rex. Destroyed during the Ambush at Espandor.
  • Revoka (Warbringer Nemesis-class Titan) - Revoka was a dedicated Titan-killer engine, a role for which the Nemesis-class was ideally suited for. Present at the Battle for Ithraca, the Revoka would kill the mighty Warlord Titan, Evocatus, of the hated Legio Praesagius, before being brought down by the Reaver Battle Titan, Invigilator.
  • Calvara (Reaver-class Titan) - Lead Battle Titan of War Maniple Mazzakim, which served as one of many pursuit maniples within the Legio Suturvora, employed to chase down fleeing enemies as the mighty Warlord Titans of the Legion advance across the field of battle. For the Fire Masters, a Princeps' skill was measured primarily in successful battlefield kills and the commanders of the lighter classes of Titans such as Calvara were ever keen to engage the enemy. On the battlefields of Calth, this hunger for battle was to see War Maniple Mazzakim at the head of Legio Suturvora's charge against the Nine Paragons of Ithraca. It is a testament to the skill of the Titans' Princeps that War Maniple Mazzakim lost only one of their number during the charge.
  • Mochatus (Reaver-class Titan)
  • Consecratus Inferna - Battle Titan, destroyed by Legio Praesagius Titans during the Battle of Ithraca.
  • Deus Vassago - Battle Titan, destroyed by Legio Praesagius Titans during the Battle of Ithraca.
  • Orias - Battle Titan, destroyed by Legio Praesagius Titans during the Battle of Ithraca.
  • Tyrant's Fist - Battle Titan, destroyed by Legio Praesagius Titans during the Battle of Ithraca.
  • Denola (Warhound-class Titan) - Denola was the engine of Princeps Tyhe, which caused uncounted massacres amongst the civilian population of Ithraca. Fueled by the harvest of innocent lives and the cruelty of its Princeps, Denola's Machine Spirit would develop sentience -- or was possibly possessed by a daemon -- and revolted against Princeps Tyhe's will, thus giving the Legio Praesagius Reaver-class Titan Invigilator more than enough time to execute it with its Melta Cannon.
  • Ashima (Warhound-class Titan) - The first of two Warhound Scout Titans that made up War Maniple Mazzakim. In a Legion where successful battlefield kills are considered the primary measure of a princep's skill, the commanders of the lighter classes of Titan are ever keen to engage the enemy. On the battlefields of Calth, this hunger for battle was to see War Maniple Mazzakim at the head of the Suturvora's charge against the Nine Paragons of Ithraca and the stubborn pride of the "True Messengers". It was a testament to the skill of the Firemasters' Princeps that War Maniple Mazzakim lost only one of its number during the charge.
  • Su-benoth (Warhound-class Titan) - The second of two Warhound Scout Titans that made up War Maniple Mazzakim.

Notable Personnel

  • Princeps Maximus Horgoth Nyr - Horgoth Nyr served as the princeps maximus of the Fire Masters Legio when it sided with the Warmaster Horus' cause during the Horus Heresy. He took part in the Battle of Calth and the infamous battle for the city of Ithraca, where he led his Titan Legion in the near destruction of the Legio Praesagius. Nyr would later join the Shadow Crusade being spearheaded by the Word Bearers and World Eaters Traitor Legions, and ravage the Five Hundred Worlds in fire and blood. However, when word finally reached the True Messengers' home world of Gantz, the Legio's senior most Princeps, Dae Vergos, declared the Crusade of Iron, to seek vengeance against Nyr and his hated Titan Legion. For period of two years, Nyr maintained a bitter rivalry with Vergos, which came to an epic climax upon the world of Drooth II. When Vargos finally engaged in a fateful duel, she willingly sacrificed herself in order to ensure the destruction of Nyr.
  • Princeps Tesarius Orcan Rex - Princeps of the Warbringer-Nemesis Titan God Hammer, he was as pitiless a leader as Horgoth Nyr. He led the Fire Masters during the Ambush on Espandor and was subsequently destroyed.
  • Princeps Sarleigh Aule - Princeps of the Reaver-class Titan Calvara, lead Battle Titan of War Maniple Mazzakim.
  • Princeps Tyhe - Princeps Tyhe was the princeps of the Warhound Scout Titan Denola. One of the few Princeps that had taken faith in Lorgar's new teachings, Princeps Tyhe notoriously disregarded the commands of his superiors to concentrate on causing havoc amongst the civilians, displaying an intolerable cruelty in doing so.

Legion Allies

Knight Houses

Space Marines

Legion Appearance

Legion Colours

The colours of the Legio Suturvora Titan Legion is sable outlined in brass, as well as some white, and fringed with flame iconography in homage to their cognomen.

Legion Badge

The iconography of the Fire Masters Legion is a white hexagon-outline with a sable coloured trident in its centre, and an orange flame burning from it, on a field of sable, framed with orange coloured flame iconography.


  • Adeptus Titanicus (1st Edition), pg. 32
  • Adeptus Titanicus: The Horus Heresy Rulebook (Specialty Game), "Selected Notable Engine-Wars of the Age of Darkness" & "The Betrayal at Calth: The Wrech of the Arutan", pp. 15, 70-71
  • Adeptus Titanicus - The Horus Heresy: Shadow and Iron (Specialty Game), pp. 8-12, 14-15, 18, 31-33, 66-68
  • Adeptus Titanicus - The Horus Heresy: Titandeath (Specialty Game), pg. 95
  • Adeptus Titanicus - The Horus Heresy: Traitor Legios (Specialty Game), pp. 88-93
  • Codex: Eye of Terror (3rd Edition), pg. 16
  • Imperial Armour Volume Nine - The Badab War: Part 1, pg. 116
  • Imperium Nihilus: Vigilus Ablaze (Specialty Game), "Forces of Chaos: Heretic Astartes", pg. 73
  • The Horus Heresy - Book Five: Tempest (Forge World Series) by Alan Bligh, pp. 38, 51, 55-56, 59, 61, 65, 117, 146-149
  • White Dwarf 108 (UK), "'Eavy Metal: Adeptus Titanicus Titans & Banners," pg. 76
  • White Dwarf 110 (UK), "Adeptus Titanicus", pg. 41
  • White Dwarf 26 (October 2018), "The Ultimate Guide to the Titan Legions"
  • Honour to the Dead (Audio) by Gav Thorpe
  • Legacies of Betrayal (Anthology), "Honour to the Dead" (Short Story) by Gav Thorpe, pp. 212-246
  • The Laurel of Defiance (Short Story) by Guy Haley
  • Pharos (Novel) by Guy Haley
  • Titandeath (Novel) Ch. 13, by Guy Haley
  • The Horus Heresy: Legions (Video Game)
  • Warhammer Community: See What Happened When We Gave the Warmaster Titan to 4 Fantastic Painters (23 Apr 2021)
  • Warhammer Community: Shadow and Iron: Crusades of Vengeance (05 Feb 2020)

