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Warhammer 40k Wiki

Imperial Hunters Titan

Imperial Hunters Colour Scheme

The Imperial Hunters are a Loyalist Titan Legion of the Collegia Titanica, one of the military arms of the Adeptus Mechanicus. There is very little information in Imperial records about when this obscure Titan Legion was founded and from what Forge World it hails, though it is known to have been founded before the Horus Heresy.

Legion History

Notable Campaigns

  • Battle of Paramar V (Unknown Date.M31) - The world of Paramar was the scene of several fierce battles during the the Horus Heresy, amongst which the Traitor assault on Station 3 spaceport was perhaps the most bloody. The Forces of Chaos, supported by the Tiger Eyes Traitor Titan Legion, strode into the deserted spaceport expecting little resistance. They were surprised to meet the Titans of the Fire Wasps, Firebrands and Imperial Hunters Titan Legions along with support troops and armour. After a swift and violent battle the Traitors were routed, and eventually expelled from Paramar entirely.

Notable Titans

None listed in current Imperial records.

Notable Personnel

None listed in current Imperial records.

Legion Appearance

Legion Colours

The colours of the Imperial Hunters are pale mottled green, white and red

Legion Badge

The Legion badge of the Imperial Hunters is a black circle located above a large black triangle pointing downwards, with further three smaller black triangles arranged in a halo around the circle, pointing outwards.


  • White Dwarf 109 (UK), "Adeptus Titanicus", pp. 14-15,
  • White Dwarf 111 (UK), "'Eavy Metal", pp. 77-78

