Warhammer 40k Wiki
Warhammer 40k Wiki

A Night Lords Legion Destroyer Marine armed with a Missile Launcher that fired Rad Missiles.

A Rad Missile is an Imperial antipersonnel missile used primarily during the Great Crusade and Horus Heresy that when detonated unleashed a deadly hail of radioactive material over the target area.

These missiles, originally deployed on Terra, were a horror of the genetic wars waged on Humanity's homeworld during the Age of Strife, and used custom-designed warheads which possessed high explosive fragmentation charges lined with radioactive isotopes.

The effect was to create an intensely toxic radiation weapon that inflicted a hideous death on its victims no matter their resilience. Because of its contaminating and savage nature, it was deployed only sparingly by Imperial forces during the Great Crusade, most commonly by Space Marine Legion Destroyers.


  • The Horus Heresy Book One - Betrayal (Forge World Series) by Alan Bligh, pg. 232